A good Construction Daily Report is essential for maintaining a record of progress on your project. Every day there are several duties carried out on the construction site, and they must remain documented. But when you’re dealing with sometimes hundreds if not thousands of individual tasks per day, it can be difficult to decide which ones to include in a Construction Daily Report, and how much detail to provide.
For example, you might be required by law or by your client to submit regular updates documenting all work carried out at the site, including demolition works; landscaping activities; cleaning tasks; fence building; painting & decorating jobs; waste management actions etc…
Before we get started it is worth mentioning that delivering accurate and detailed records will go a long way to helping you (and your client) avoid problems at a later stage in the project’s life cycle, specifically with regards to health & safety issues, and applications for building permits or planning permission; because by documenting all works from day one of the projects, you should have plenty of evidence to demonstrate that you have fulfilled all applicable legal requirements. This includes but is not limited to: receiving approval both for commencement of construction activities and completion thereof; having all necessary permits & licenses in place before starting work, and proving that adequate precautions have been taken to minimise any potential impact of construction activities during the project.
A lack of required paperwork or faulty records may lead to your client (or his insurance company) having to deal with a whole host of issues that could go on to cost them dear, so it is well worth taking some time out at the beginning of your project(s) to establish an efficient reporting process and then stick with it!
We’ll now look at each type of daily report in turn: Construction Daily Reports, Demolition-Only Works Forms, Fencing/Waste Management Daily Action Forms, Cleaning Tasks Report Forms etc… But first, we’ll tackle some generic tips for ensuring that reports are submitted on time, and correctly!
Do Not Overlook The Obvious When Checking & Submitting Your Construction Daily Reports Every Day
Just remember: How you write up your Construction Daily Report is just as important as the information it contains. So make sure to read through every document carefully before submitting it to anyone else. Because after all: anything which might be deemed incorrect or misleading will only give your client (and his insurer) grounds to claim against you; so it’s best to get things right from day one of a project!