You are having problems making ends meet. Or you want to realize your projects. Or simply you would like to finally make yourself happy or please your loved ones. It is not always easy to raise the necessary money.

No matter what your income, the key is in managing your budget. Remember, it is always possible to save, even with a small salary.

  • Track your expenses and income
  • You may think that doing your bookkeeping is unnecessary or even a waste of time.
  • We are talking about basic accounting here, that is to say, the list of your expenses and income.
  • Think again.
  • Make regular on your expenses, and your income is essential if you want to have money aside easily and quickly.

Money tips: track your spending

Take 1 hour to 2 hours per month to take stock of your budget (if possible 30 minutes each week).

The important thing is that you keep track of all your expenses and income to analyze your budget and start taking action to improve your situation.

  • Save every month, no matter how much.
  • Saving must become a reflex.
  • This is the ESSENTIAL action to have money saved no matter what.
  • The consumer society has “programmed” us to consume.
  • All the money we have available.
  • Permanently.
  • However, it is probably because of this consumer society that you have not yet set aside the money you need.
  • Do not worry.
  • It is always possible to change your habit and start putting money aside.

How to save money

1. Start by making a goal of saving some money every month.
2. Whether it is 10, 100, or 1000 $, any sum will be important since the most important thing is to transform your “programming” from consumer to saving.
3. Keep this habit for months and years to come, and you will be surprised at the results!
4. Watch your spending

  • As we said above, we live in a society that pushes for consumption all the time.
  • That’s why we make a lot of unnecessary purchases on the spur of the moment.
  • Have you ever bought a product that was not on your list?
  • The answer is definitely: YES.

Do you see it?

We, therefore, advise you to monitor your purchases and think before you buy :

• Do I really need the tenth pair of shoes?
• From the last smartphone that has just been released?
• Or to change my television which works very well?

Sell what you no longer use

Take stock of what you have in your attic and cabinets.

1. Are there any clothes, items, or furniture that you no longer use?
2. Or that you have never used?

  • If you don’t or no longer need them, sell them!
  • Not only will you make room in your home, but you will also benefit from additional income.
  • What better way to have money easily and quickly?
  • Opt for a better quality/price ratio
  • Comparing prices to find the best deal isn’t always easy.
  • But it can save you money and therefore have more money at the end of the month.

Every time you make a purchase:

1. Compare the prices of similar products and buy the cheapest
2. Remove from your cart all unnecessary products that are not on your list

To be aware of your results (and therefore that your efforts are paying off!), See how much your receipt at the till has dropped.

Then add that amount up over the weeks and months.

You will be surprised at the results possible with this simple habit.

You will surely be able to put tens or even hundreds of euros (or even thousands of euros?) Aside in a very short time!

Place your money in a savings book

Don’t let your money sleep in your checking account.

Place it.


1. Because you risk spending it if it’s within your reach
2. Because you will see with your own eyes the amount of your savings book grow.
3. This has a psychological effect: you will have only one desire: increasing this amount and not reducing your efforts to nothing.
4. If you choose high paying investments, you can even make your money grow.
5. Have money thanks to credit

  • Surely you don’t want to take a loan from the bank.
  • We understand you.
  • Borrowing costs money because you will have to pay interest.
  • Borrowing commits you because you will have to repay the money that you have just borrowed.
  • But borrowing allows you to carry out your projects or, in an emergency, to face financial difficulties.
  • Important – Before borrowing
  • Take credit ONLY if you really need it.

Make sure you can repay the money you want to borrow along with the associated interest charges.

  • How long to have the credit money?
  • Adopt good practices
  • How to get money no matter what?

You got it: it’s all about the habit.

The key is to adopt good purchasing and savings practices so that you can save money.

To manage your budget well and have money, ask yourself the right questions for each expense:

1. Do I really need this product/service?
2. Have I let myself be influenced by advertisements or by those around me?
3. Is there a product of (almost) equivalent quality at a better price?

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